Summer Maintenance Must-Dos

Fired Up

The heat is on, and hopefully in a good way… summer is a great time to check your fire extinguishers and alarms. Get on a schedule to switch out your smoke detector batteries twice a year – Joe recommends summer and winter.

Make sure to have a fire extinguisher close to all cooking centers (indoor / outdoor kitchens and grill) and most importantly check that it hasn’t expired – yep, that’s right, just like milk your extinguisher has an expiration date.

Cool Alert

Speaking of smoke detectors, while you’re up there, check your ceiling fans. Switch the direction of your fans, adjust them to run counter-clockwise to help push the air down which creates a cooling breeze.

Sorry, No Vacancy

We build custom homes to create gathering spaces for friends and families. But what about uninvited guests? 

Summer travelers like ticks, and mosquitoes and other pesky pests are on the move, looking for a little summer vacay at your home. Keep weeds whacked and grass trimmed; check corners and damp, dark areas (under decks etc) where creepy crawlies like to make a non-refundable deposit.

Also take a moment to familiarize yourself with the friendlies, not everything that slithers or burrows poses a threat – many spiders, bats, and snakes are natural controls that keep your summer life in balance.

Dip Into The Details

Balance also belongs in your pool – keeping pH balances low means less chlorine. 

Make sure to wipe down tiles/ water line and clear debris as often as you can. Whether you’re hands-on or hiring a service, keep the filter and the skimmer clean for water that gleams and highlights your custom details.

Safety On Deck

Decks and docks do better with year-round cleaning too. But don’t overdo it – this is definitely an area where it’s best to call in the pros. You don’t want to compromise the integrity of your deck by pressure washing incorrectly.

If a plank needs repair or there is sign of rot – don’t skimp on the fix. This is about more than looks and function – it’s about safety. 

We all get busy and can be tired-out from a day on the water – Joe suggests taking monthly photos on your phone and set a reminder to review and compare the condition from month to month.

We Are In This For You

Joe values a short to-do list as much as the next person, so most importantly we hope you enjoy as much time with loved ones as you can this summer… after all taking care of your family is the detail that really matters.